Friday, March 11, 2011

Video Games - Some of the Benefits

Various published articles and research projects, some of the negative effects of video games have looked at. While the author certainly concerns the fact that their children spend too much time on gaming performance of the evidence are both video game consoles and computers with the mainly, it would be wrong to ignore the fact, that, properly used video games can bring some benefits to its users. While undoubtedly violent and aggressive behaviors, poor socialization, academic difficulties and adverse physical effects, including some extreme gaming, few of the harmful effects are recognized, we should not lose sight of one important fact. Video games now so many children, young people and even adults, that is an integral part of life, its advantages and disadvantages that it is important to keep a balanced view. Perceived benefits of playing video games has been researched and projects that have been introduced during the last few years a number registered. Contained in the report of the research projects of the people some of the findings are set out below.

1. Hand / eye coordination and manual dexterity

Game machine to play the hand / eye co-ordination and fine manual skills in children has been shown to help in the development, as well as the improvement of their visual accuity.

2. Learning Capacity Enhancement

Some of the specific educational-based games, language and math skills on the development of their children in particular can improve the ability of the player.

3. Creativity

Children, the machine and find that they increase their creative side, a better understanding of and interest in technology may spend time playing on the game.

4. Self-Confidence/Cognitive capabilities

Video game playing on children's ability to reach decisions for themselves, which then can assist them in developing their confidence increase. Similar cognitive abilities can be enhanced.

5. Negative close to heart

Playing on the game, for temporary period, feelings of pain can distract kids, injury or illness, or other concerns that they may have resulted from.

6. Recuperate from illness or injury

There are a few video games that during the period of recuperation to help children or children who have suffered an injury constitutes an element of a physiotherapeutic program can be.

7. Socialising

Some children, who with their partners to enter into new relationships with potential problems playing some video games, which they share with another person, both for the benefit of an idea of ​​engaging means can be helped by giving and the value of working in a team.

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